Security Update (all regions)
Scheduled Maintenance Report for PRTG Hosted Monitor
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Dec 18, 2024 - 12:50 UTC
Scheduled maintenance is still in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Dec 18, 2024 - 10:04 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Dec 18, 2024 - 07:00 UTC
This update will introduce security enhancements, allowing us to quickly and substantially minimize security risks, including enhanced visibility to detect and respond to security events, retain system events for analysis, and identify vulnerabilities.

Additionally, this update contains further OS patches and also comes with a refreshed Let's Encrypt certificate for the PRTG webserver and NATS.

All PRTG Hosted Monitor instances will be queued for this update in all hosting regions. The update for a single instance usually takes around 15 minutes.
Posted Dec 16, 2024 - 13:29 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: PRTG Instances (PRTG Servers, AWS EC2 Instances (af-south-1 - Africa - Cape Town), AWS EC2 Instances (ap-east-1 - Hong Kong), AWS EC2 Instances (ap-northeast-1 - APAC - Tokyo), AWS EC2 Instances (ap-northeast-2 - APAC - Seoul), AWS EC2 Instances (ap-northeast-3 - APAC - Osaka), AWS EC2 Instances (ap-south-1 - Mumbai), AWS EC2 Instances (ap-south-2 - Hyderabad), AWS EC2 Instances (ap-southeast-1 - APAC - Singapore), AWS EC2 Instances (ap-southeast-2 - APAC - Sydney), AWS EC2 Instances (ap-southeast-3 - Jakarta), AWS EC2 Instances (ca-central-1 - Canada - Montreal), AWS EC2 Instances (eu-central-1 - Europe - Frankfurt), AWS EC2 Instances (eu-central-2 - Zurich), AWS EC2 Instances (eu-south-2 - Spain), AWS EC2 Instances (eu-west-1 - Europe - Ireland), AWS EC2 Instances (eu-west-2 - Europe - London), AWS EC2 Instances (eu-west-3 - Europe - Paris), AWS EC2 Instances (eu-north-1 - Europe - Stockholm), AWS EC2 Instances (eu-south-1 - Europe - Milan), AWS EC2 Instances (me-central-1 - UAE), AWS EC2 Instances (me-south-1 - Bahrain), AWS EC2 Instances (us-east-1 - United States - Northern-Virginia), AWS EC2 Instances (us-east-2 - Ohio), AWS EC2 Instances (us-west-2 - United States - Oregon), AWS EC2 Instances (sa-east-1 - South America - São Paolo)).